It's that day that you spend at work looking forward to that pint at half 5...
So why am I not in the pub? Everyone else seems to be. Even my girlfriend has went out for the night.
No, I'm at home, in the kitchen carving my body! And if truth be told I'm loving every minute.
There's something very primal about this whole guitar building thing. Tonight, it's just me, a slab of wood and a chisel. It's like I'm Stone Age man and I've got an axe head to make so I can hunt and feed my family. It really feels that essential! I NEED to carve the body of this guitar and nobody's going to stop me.

This feels good. It's been a while since I've had to do this sort of thing and I've really missed it. I used to be a furniture maker and it has been many years since I've had a reason to chisel away at something just for the sheer hell of it. Bring it on!

And here it is, 3 hours later. The front is now totally carved and sanded and I'm ready to do the back now. But it's late and I really deserve a beer!
Woohoo! Friday pints wins after all!
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