I had plans for today. Big plans. I was going to get all the routing done and hopefully the carving too. But alas, it was not to be.
It all went wrong when I woke up this morning with someone's name in my head. A name I'd seen at work yesterday. A name calling out for an anagram.
That name was Shamugam Sriskantharajam.
Now do you see why I got sidetracked? How could I possibly let that name slip by without a decent attempt at making it better?
So rather than attack the guitar, my morning was spent with tea and chocolate, some paper and a pen...
And this is what happened:
Manga mum's Sikh Sahara jar!
Fabulous! I was happy with that. I went to the shed and set up my tools, but, some more words came in to my head and so I returned to the paper and the pen and the tea and the chocolate. And lo:
Hamas jam: man 'H' at sugar risk!
Oh yes! Give that man a pound!
"Enough" I said. "There is a guitar to be built"!
So only got a couple of things done today, but I'm sure you'll agree it was worth the distraction.
Routed out the pickup cavities using a template left over from a previous build
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